Minnesota State Gambling Control Board

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Applying for a license or permit?

Minnesota State Gambling Control Board

Minnesota Office of the Revisor of Statutes, 700 State Office Building, 100 Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Paul, MN 55155. Gambling - The Minnesota Gambling Control Board must revoke a license for past due taxes of at least $500, or if returns have not been filed by: A gambling manager; A director, officer, partner, managerial employee, sales employee of a business that distributes gambling equipment, manufactures gambling equipment, or operates a bingo hall.

Minnesota State Gambling Control Board

To conduct lawful gambling in Minnesota, your organization must apply for and receive either an organization license, exempt permit, or excluded permit.


Organization license:

An organization license is obtained for the conduct of ongoing gambling activities. Application and information for an organization license ›

Minnesota Lawful Gambling Forms

Exempt or Excluded permit:

An exempt or excluded permit is obtained for the conduct of a limited number of gambling activities within a calendar year. Permit applications and information for exempt or excluded permits ›

Manufacturer license:

A manufacturers license must be obtained by any person or entity who sells lawful gambling equipment to a licensed distributor in Minnesota. Manufacturer information and forms ›

Distributor license:

A distributor license must be obtained by any person or entity distributing lawful gambling equipment in Minnesota. Distributor information and forms ›

Linked Bingo Game Provider license:

Gambling Control Board Forms

A linked bingo game provider license must be obtained by any person or entity who provides linked bingo services to organizations licensed to conduct lawful gambling in Minnesota. Linked Bingo Game Provider information and forms ›

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